16 Apr 2016

Day-6 | Thorns To The Left Of Me, Brambles To The Right...

Cayköy to Gelemiş | 25km

A great nights's sleep, no damp, two cups of good coffee and off on the trail again, which continued to wind around the flat valley plateau of tomato greenhouses.

You say domates, I say tomato
In Uzumlu I stopped for late breakfast and had the best pide, salad and ayran I have ever tasted. Well fed and stocked up with water I passed a Russian motorcycle repair shop with some very cool bikes outside, which the owner said he was restoring to order.

Great pide at the salon in the left
Cool Russian motorbikes
The trail wound around roads and short distances through stone ridden farmland and eventually linked back up with aqueduct, which I now realise was built to feed the ancient city of Patara that I was heading towards. The ancient engineering of the pipe aqueduct was a highlight for me. It enabled the aqueduct to transport water without being built up to the same height of the channels at each end.

Aqueduct stone piping
Sections of pipe
The only real annoyance of the day was a 3km section of the aqueduct trail that was overgrown with mini leaved holly bushes, thorn bushes and dry privet. My legs haven't forgiven me for not wearing long trousers...

Tunnel of death

Just before nightfall I made it to Patara village, normally a tourist hotspot but totally dead and pansiyons, bars and little restaurants all deserted. Turkish tourism is really suffering. The Medusa Bar/Pansiyon/Camping ground was recommended and cheap but as I didn't have a proper tent I stumped up 20 liras for a basic room. Showered, I hit the beers and raki at a local bar across from the post office that was a favourite of the few locals and fewer tourists in town.

Campsite #6 - the Medusa Bar...

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